Teen drivers are four times more likely to be involved in an automobile accident than older drivers. The truth is, inexperience, driving at night or other distractions place teens in a high risk pool. Insurance companies are well aware of this statistic and create rates based on these figures. The result? It’s generally more expensive to insure teenagers than older drivers. Luckily, with guidance and proper education, young drivers can be safe drivers. And with the help of Texas car insurance discounts for teen drivers, it’s easy to provide incentive.
Texas Teen Driver Laws
Most states recognize the importance of differentiating teen drivers from those who have been driving for years. In Texas, there is a Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) system in place, making it possible to “ease” young drivers onto the roads by requiring three phases of licensing. A learner’s permit, a provisional license and finally full licensure lengthens the process giving teens more time to be prepared for complex driving situations. Texas requires teens to be 15 years of age to apply for a learner’s permit.
Good Student Discount
Most major insurance carriers offer a version of a good student discount, providing incentives for teens to do well in school in exchange for reduced insurance charges. Different insurance agencies define “good student” differently, so make sure you read the details on your policy to be eligible to receive the discount. Generally, a good student is one who maintains a “B” average or higher. Typical discounts range from 10 to 15 percent.
Safe Driving Bonus
In some cases, it’s possible to get up to a 15 percent discount or bonus because of a safe driving record. For teen drivers who remain accident free for at least 6 months, the discount is applied to the following renewal. Some insurance providers will even cut a check. Often, there are very specific guidelines and requirements for eligibility and the safe driving bonus only applies to specific plans. Nevertheless, most providers offer something for keeping accident free.
Vehicle Equipment Discounts
Another easy way to save money on insurance premiums for teen drivers is to ensure your teen drives a vehicle with up to date safety and anti-theft features. In some cases, insurance companies will deduct up to 20 percent off the premium amount simply for cutting edge security features. From passive restraint (automatic seatbelts) to anti-lock brakes to anti-theft devices, vehicle equipment discounts are a safe bet and a good way to save money.
It’s a well-known fact that teens are more likely to get into an auto accident than older drivers. Perhaps that is why it is often difficult to find quality, affordable insurance for teenagers. In Texas, if your teen maintains a “B” grade point average, drives an updated vehicle with the appropriate safety devices and stays accident free for a period of time, you can receive up to 20 percent or more off your premium.