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Citizens Insurance Agency Blog: 9_2012

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Some of us are just about to enter a new phase in our lives- having teenagers that drive. An exhilarating time for sure, but one that’s also a bit nerve racking and in some cases- expensive. You know how important it is to make certain your teen is driving a safe vehicle and one that’... READ MORE >>

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When you think about your car, chances are you're not seeing it the way the insurance companies do. Does it have a high performance engine? Is it designed for speed? Is it a model that’s stolen often? These are just a few of the ways car insurance companies view your car when determining the most appropriate price to charge. READ MORE >>

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As a concerned parent, you're prepared to go to the ends of the Earth to keep your child safe and protected. And whether you have a newborn or a toddler, helping them experience the world around them involves taking important safety precautions. READ MORE >>

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Residents in Texas who insure their homes with State Farm are getting a significant increase in their premiums- an average of almost 20 percent. What does this mean for Texas residents? Well, for many of us, it could mean looking for new homeowner’s insurance in Texas, or it could mean a little less disposable income this year. READ MORE >>

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For most of us, driving in Texas is a necessity. And while we wish we could work at home or pass the grocery list to the kids, the truth is, we spend a great deal of time in our cars- increasing the risks of having an accident or even having our car stolen. So what do we need to know about driving in Austin that we don’t already know? READ MORE >>

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No one likes to think about the reality of a car being stolen. After all, for many of us, our vehicle is a critical part of our life- and how we get to and from work, school or wherever we go every day. When something happens to it, we feel it, and it’s no fun. READ MORE >>

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Texan’s have the advantage of living in a state with tremendous opportunities for drivers. With over 500,000 miles of open roads, getting where you need to go is generally pretty easy and straightforward. But that’s not without hesitation, because to drive legally in the state, you also need quality, reliable car insurance. READ MORE >>

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