When you think about your car, chances are you're not seeing it the way the insurance companies do. Does it have a high performance engine? Is it designed for speed? Is it a model that’s stolen often? These are just a few of the ways car insurance companies view your car when determining the most appropriate price to charge. An insurance-friendly vehicle scores low on several risk factors and saves the company who insures you money. And while driving record, age, even marital status play a role in determining your premium, you can definitely reduce it simply by seeking out a few insurance friendly features in your next car.
Some Characteristics to Look For
It's great news that you have some control over the cost of your Texas Car Insurance, but it won’t do you any good unless you know what you're looking for. In many cases, cars that are easy or inexpensive to repair or are equipped with safety or anti-theft features cost less to insure because they cost the insurance companies less. It’s as simple as that. Keep your premium low by looking for vehicles that share some of these characteristics: • Low gas mileage • Low repair costs • Safety features (airbags, automatic seat belts etc.) • Four doors ( sedans) • Large, but not too large (Minivans, station wagons)
Stay Away From These Types of Cars
Everyone loves the little red sports car, but it'll cost you more to insure than your neighbor’s conservative family car and that's the truth. Sports cars are known for excessive speed and insurance companies assume (rightly or not) that you will drive fast if you purchase one. The faster you drive, the more likely you are to have an accident - and that costs them money. With large SUVs, even a minor accident can create costly damage to another vehicle, while tiny cars sustain more damage than more solid vehicles. To the insurance provider, certain types of cars are statistically more expensive to insure for these reasons. Do yourself a favor and save money by avoiding: • Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) • Flashy, Sports Cars • Tiny Little Compact Cars • High Performance vehicles • Newer Vehicles with Expensive Technology
The Bottom Line
You're not alone if you're looking for any way to cut down on expensive car insurance in Texas. Unfortunately, you have to have it and you have to pay it. Luckily, you can have a say in your premium rate simply by choosing an insurance friendly vehicle. Stay away from sporty, high performance gas guzzlers and look for conservative, two door sedans equipped with the right safety features. While driving record, age, even marital status are still going to play a key role in your rates, just buying the right type of vehicle can make a difference. And with premium rates skyrocketing, few will argue that every little bit helps.
Posted 12:30 PM
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